Revive Chicago Church
Sermon archive for messages preached at Revive Chicago Church located in Naperville, IL.
Revive Chicago Church
David vs. Goliath: Slaying Giants By Faith
Pastor Aaron Lage
Season 3
Episode 12
Enjoy this sermon from Revive Chicago! Listen and be changed.
Recorded on March 19th, 2023
Do you ever think that David saw himself as an underdog? Think about the differences between the world's expectations and Heaven's... what lens was David seeing through? Dive a little deeper into the story of David, that almost anyone can summarize, with this week's sermon and learn how you can adjust your mindset to make your giant the underdog.
Join us for service live every Sunday at 10am at 1852 95th St, Naperville, IL 60564 (The education-wing entrance of Wheatland Salem Church)
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