Revive Church Naperville

Who Are You Resisting?

Pastor Aaron Lage Season 3 Episode 20

Enjoy this sermon from Revive Chicago! Listen and be changed.

Recorded on May 28th, 2023

Maybe you can finish this this verse, "...Resist the devil and..."? But that's only half of James 4:7, do you know the first part (click on the verse for quick access)? This eye opening sermon from Pastor Aaron will get you thinking about your walk with God, who you are resisting and who you are walking with. And if you don't like the results of your analysis, learn some basic ways you can get yourself in lock step with Jesus.

Join us for service live every Sunday at 10am at 1852 95th St, Naperville, IL 60564 (The education-wing entrance of Wheatland Salem Church)
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